Friday, May 17, 2024

Midnight Rogue

Background -

It is a dark night outside Games Workshop HQ.  The moon is covered by thick clouds.  In this near darkness a faint shape can just be made out moving to a window in the building.  The shape slowly resolves into a humanoid figure, clothed head to toe in black.  The face is masked by a balaclava.  The figure reaches a window and attempts to open it.  After taking many, many failed attempts to open the window, the figure grabs a rock and muttering under its breath throws it through the window.  Using his fist, the shape clears the remaining glass and pulls itself through the broken window.

Inside the dark corridors of GW HQ the figure makes its way down the halls, knowing exactly where to go.  Heading ever deeper and down towards the basement, finding a closed door with light coming out from below it.  With a deep breath the figure turns the handle and enters.

The room is filled with desks full of paper.  At each desk sits a tired looking nerd at a typewriter.  As one they look round and the figure in alarm.  The figure pulls off the balaclava.

Ian "Don't worry guys, its me."

Nerd 1 "Ian!  What are you even doing here?"

Ian "I need your help guys."

Nerd 2 "What could we possibly do for you?  You are not on the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay team?"

Ian "Guys, I need another gamebook.  This is what you guys do!  You write because you love it, you love playing games!  Look at this place, you have been relegated to a forgotten corner!  All Bryan cares about is miniatures and selling them."  I need creative ideas!"

Nerd 3 "We would love to help Ian, but the deadlines for WFRP are insane.  We would have to do it in our spare time, and we have precious little of that."

Ian "You were my last hope guys."

Ian turns to leave, dejected.  But then from the back corner, someone stands up.

Graeme Davis "Ill do it!"

Ian turns round slowly, a smile on his face.

Released in November 1987, Midnight Rogue is Graeme Davis one and only Fighting Fantasy novel.  I know of Graeme from all his great work on Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.  Also I had this book when I was younger, actually owned it.  And I really, really loved it back then.  So I am quite nervous to play it now.  Will it be rose tinted glassed?  Well only one way to find out!

Covers -

I believe this is a first (at least with the original run) where you actually see yourself in the cover!  I do look like a shady vagabond.  This is of course well before you can create your own character in modern videogames so the hooded figure works quite well.

The gargoyles look a tad lecherous here, they love a shiny stone a bit too much.

Speaking of the stone, looks very red here.  But in the book the stone is very clearly described as being yellow.  Is this intentional or a miss communication?   

This one sees a more romantic twist as our dashing hero sweeps the leading lady up.  I wonder if the ship is the one we got the black pearl from in City of Thieves?

Wait, something is not right here...oh my, lets just say this is a different kind of "fantasy"!

Premise -

Its actually quite a short build up, less than two full pages.  But to be fair it does not really need any more.  We start in the meeting room of the Thieves Guild of Port Blacksand.  It is full to the brim as everyone wants to see the Test of Apprentices.  Rannik, the master of the guild, asks if anyone knows any reason I should not be tested.  Kind of like the awful pause when they ask at weddings if anyone knows why they should not be wed.  In a bit of a boring twist, nobody says anything so Rannik sets out the test.

A week ago, the merchant Brass came into possession of the jewel known as the eye of the basilisk.  He will have stashed it somewhere in or near the city.  His symbol is the coin.  Dusk has just fallen outside, you have until dawn to find it.

Wow you do not get much to go on do you Rannik?  I guess that is the point of this test.  He wishes me luck, as do everybody else and I go and check my equipment.

I leave by one of the many hidden entrances to the guild and away we go!

Playthrough -

Well first off, in the inside cover we get a map of the city!

I love a map!  And a city map!

Skill, Stamina and Luck are all back as normal.  Also a welcome return is the 10 provisions that restore 4 stamina points each!  

I get a very specific list of what I start my adventure with -

A leather jerkin and leggings
A backpack
A hand lamp made of a small pot of fat and a string wick
A torch
A tinder box (lots of stuff to light the way here)
5 gold pieces
10 provisions

And a magic potion supplied by the guild.  The usual choice of skill/stamina/luck restorer.  I will decide after I roll up.  But we all know I am taking the stamina.

Now things get a bit interesting.  As a thief you have to move quietly, so you may only carry 6 items at once.  I am told provisions count as one space.  So does that mean 10 provisions take up the same space as 1?  Well might be easier to handle mechanically I guess.   My potion counts as a second space.  However my gold, sword and incredibly tight leather jerkin and leggings do not count.

So what about the lamp, torch and tinder box?  They are not mentioned, I would normally put them in a backpack but I am going to say no as they have not been called out specifically.

We do have a new mechanic here, special skills.  We have a list to pick from and we can take any three skills - 

Pick Pocket
Pick Lock
Spot Hidden
Secret Signs

A warning from the author as well not to pretend you have them when you do not.  Obviously ignored by thousands of players.  Now which ones to pick.  From memory some are absolutely vital where others are a bit of a waste.  Can I remember them..... nope.  I think Pick Lock might be one, lets take that. We are bound to require some climbing, and finally I go for Spot Hidden, as I assume the jewel is well hidden, along with traps.  Lets roll.

Skill - 10

Stamina - 21

Luck - 7

Hmm not bad, but I feel a thief needs a dose of luck.  And I do have 10 provisions.  Ok 29 books in, I am taking the potion of fortune.  Right, lets go and grab that jewel.

Everyone wishes me good luck, including the boy with no nose on the right.

We can head to three different places at the start.  We can head to the Merchant Guild to see if we can find Brass's office.  Or we could try and find his house near the field gate.  And the final option is the Noose, a dodgy area around the thieves guild, great for gossip.

I head to the noose, see what rumors we can find first.  And mainly because I remember if I do not go there first its game over.

In the Noose I can head to the Rat and Ferret tavern, find Madam Starr the clairvoyant or speak to some beggars.  Well beggars are part of the thieves guild and they see everything so lets start there.  

The name is brutal, Bargo the Wheeler....

Bargo lost his legs fighting in a war and now is reduced to begging and pulling himself around on his trolley.  He greets me, knowing I am on my test.  He does not tell me much I do not know already, where his house is and where to find his office.  I toss him a coin.  

Giving him the coin he tells me to wait and gives me a rope and grapple.  This gives me access to the climb ability, which I already have so it has no effect.... Bugger.  Ill take it anyway, do not want to seem rude.  

I decide to head over to the rat and ferret.  I order a mug of ale and now I am down to 3 coins only a few paragraphs in.  I go up to the barman to ask for information, but he needs coin and I feel I should save what I have instead, so I head over to the guys playing pin finger in the corner.

So its basically the game where you stab a knife quickly between your fingers.  Straight skill test, if I win I get 10 gold, If I lose I have to give them 5.  Erm I only have 3.  You know what, lets take the risk.  If I lose, I will just give them all my money and pretend I get beaten up.  Luckily I roll an 8 and pass the test.  

I head back to the barman, Bald Morri, with my wealth and offer him some coin.  Depending on how much I offer him, you then roll a die and have to get less or even to get the good result.  I decide to gamble a bit and offer him 4, and then roll a one haha.

He tells me Brass has his coin symbol on everything, including his house on the corner of Short Street and Field Street, just by the the Field Gate.  He writes a secret sign in my ale, which of course I cant read, as I took climb and then immediately found a grappling hook.  Which funnily enough I do not get the option of using on the ale.  So he scrubs it out embarrassed.   

There is nothing left to in the Tavern so it is time to head out.   Lets see what Madame Starr has to say.  Walking along I find her shack.  The place is loaded with dodgy folks, as you would expect in Port Blacksand, but everyone leaves me alone as they know its my big test.  A very different experience to my last jaunt.  Hope I do not get a tattoo of a unicorn on my head.

She needs two gold to read my fortune so might as well.  She does the whole mystic meg thing with the crystal ball.  She tells me the thing I seek is hidden in a dark place, a place of death.  I must look in a place of sleep and a place of work.  Take a note of the paragraph, hmm 289 it is.  Well that is everything we can do in the Noose, lets head elsewhere.

I have a lot of info on Brass's house so lets try the merchant quarter first to find his office.  The Merchant Quarter is deserted, since its night and I stick to the shadows, keen to avoid the city guard.  I catch a hint of movement in a clump of trees in the centre.  Do I want to investigate?  

I start to have a look but then get asked if I have the sneak skill.  Which of course I do not, so I decide to back out.  The Guild has one door with a guard next to it so I decide to scope out the perimeter first.  Doing this I find an alleyway with a drain pipe and a door.  Ah ha finally I can put my climb or grappling hook to use!  

You do not need climb or a grappling hook as the drain pipe is an easy climb..... sigh

And at the top one of these boys comes to life.

Skill 9 and Stamina 10 so does not seem so bad.  Except of course I get a whopping -3 on my attack roll for hanging off a drainpipe.  Unsurprisingly I lose the first round of combat and have to make a skill test to hang on, which I do.  Its time to thing of another way to beat this guy.  Do you have any of these items?  Well I have the Grappling hook?  Worth a go.  I pass another skill test and manage to tangle the Gargoyle with it and send it crashing down.  I loose the grapple but hey I already have the climb skill.  With that I dash into an open skylight.

Inside I get the message I can make a spot hidden check.  Well seems daft not to.  And right enough, rolling back the carpet I find a lever connected to a hidden panel.  Now it is a choice of two doors.  One with a coin and one with a fish.  I really want to have a nosey at the fish but we have been very much pushed at the coin so lets play it safe.

The door is unsurprisingly locked, but guess what, I have pick lock as that is the bread and butter of the thief!  I make it inside and its a very nice office with moonlight coming through the window.  There is a nice desk, and an iron door.  Hmm.  Think ill check the desk first. 

A deed of purchase!

It is a trove of a find!  I get a key with the letter L, 10 coins, a deed of purchase showing brass recently bought barrow hill and a letter from a wizard Brabantius saying the modifications to the barrow hill property had been refitted per instruction.  Also make a note of this paragraph, ok that's 90.

I really should move on now, but that door is very tempting for a thief.  Lets have a little look.  Ok first you need pick lock, check.  But still you need a skill test, but with a plus 2 modifier.  Ok.

A 4 and 2, excellent.  The door opens and I am in a strongroom, do I have spot hidden?  Why yes I do.  This means I feel something is wrong, this is a fake strongroom designed to catch out thieves so I leave immediately.  

Time to head over to Brass's house I feel.  On the way though - 

Its the rich part of the city the guards are out in force.

Do you have the hide skill, oh dear.  The Guards easily find me hiding in an alley.  I can try and escape through a door, bribe them, make a run for it or attack.

I decide to try the door and have to make a luck test, snake eyes!  So I get in and lock the door behind me.  Before they get in I am well on my way out the other side.

I reach the corner of field and short street and I am presented with two houses.  Funnily enough one has the coin image and this will be the one I will try.  

It is a nice two story house with a locked front door which needs pick lock to get in or a drain pipe to go up.  I feel I should use my skill but going through the front door seems a bit ambitious.  Lets climb the pipe.

Its a test luck skill, which is upsetting as I have the climb skill.  I decide this is a good time to drink my potion of fortune to get up to luck 8.  Its another snake eyes.  I feel I just wasted that potion.  

Peeping Tom!

I get a good layout of the first floor.  The landing has two doors on the left, one on the right and another at the end.  I can peer through two windows.  One on the left is a kids bedroom with dolls, the one on the right has two adults sleeping in a large bed.  I shimmy back down and I am told due to the bars in the windows the only way through is to pick the front door lock.  Which I do.

Inside is a nice marble townhouse.  There is a suit of armour by the stairs which you can investigate, a door to the servants quarters, or head up the stairs.  Well the armour can't be relevant and the help are not going to have what I need so upstairs I go.

Up on the balcony there is the door I saw at the end, I can go there or head into the hallway.  Well its time to start looking so lets try this door first.  Do you have pick lock?  Well yes, I was told it was the only way in here so of course I have it?

I appear to be outside?!

Now I am in a nice office.  Once again I can search a desk and also just a general search.  Or leg it out of the window.  Desk seems to make sense.  But I only find a silver knife worth 5 gold.  Lets have a bigger search of the room.  I find an excellent bottle of brandy, which I can have 3 sips which restores 2 stamina each.  A silver frame painting (worth two gold).  And a safe.  


It has two locks, and I only have one key, marked L.  So I put that key in anyway.  It turns and if I have pick lock I can indeed use it to open up the second lock.  Well of course I have Pick Lock, its the only way I got in the house and this room!

I find more notes about barrow hill and a penciled note saying E.O.B, take a note of the paragraph 335.  I think I am doing well here, but I am having too much fun to leave now.  I wander down the hall and decide to listen at one of the doors.  I hear nothing and go in.  Its the kids bedroom.  As I go in the floorboard squeaks.  Feeling like a 1980s tv presenter paedo I decide to leave straight away.

Well I have been everywhere and I am told that I should know where to go.  We get a lot of fun options like Lord Azzur's palace.  But its clearly Barrow Hill.  But where is that.  Well I need to take three clues from each location.  Take the first number of the clue from the house, then the clue from the office and then the clue from the Noose.  Well I make that 392.

And right enough.  I slip out of the city and head toward the barrow.  There I find an abandoned great house.  Abandoned apparently because the family that owned it were dogged by bad luck.  Do I want to go into the house or into the barrow?  No I do not want to go into the bad luck house.  All the clues point to the barrow so lets stay on point.

Its all very spooky sounding, but there is no entrance.  Unless you have spot hidden which I do!  Using that I find....a secret sign, which I can not read.  So I head back to the garden.

Looks like there is the remnants of a garden.   I get the option to head to a statue or the house.  Well I do not like the sound of having to go into the scary house.  Lets check out the statue.

The garden has seen better days.  Brass maybe bought it as a fixer upper.

There is an inscription on the statue of the archer.  Which apparently I just need to read.  Do I want to wade over or make the jump.  Water in Fighting Fantasy is never good so I am going to attempt a jump.  Which is of course is a skill test.  Third snake eyes!  What is going on with these dice.  

I reach the plinth and it says - 

My enemy's a heart of stone,
My arrow never flies,
Yet when my arrow heads for home,
The gate of death yawns wide.

The statue swivels so I can point the arrow at the barrow, the house or a standing stone right next to the barrow.  Hmm a standing stone seems oddly specific, is that the heart of stone?  Will give it a bash.

The grassy mound collapses revealing a doorway, time to head into the dark.

A mound, with a hole.

My Spot Hidden comes in handy as I find a trap under a flagstone.  Following the narrow tunnel I disturb some sharp tooth bats.  Do I have a silver whistle? Erm no.  Can I make an attempt at a whistle?

Apparently nope.

Been a while since I had a fight.  They are only skill 5 but I am hampered so its -2 to my attack score.  Well despite sill having a three advantage I get hit a lot.  Down to 13 stamina.  I am a great thief but a terrible fighter.  I decide to drink all the brandy in one go.  Not tipsy at all.

I reach a dead end with a giant stone slab.  Again though Spot Hidden comes in handy!  I find a gap for a hidden catch, reach in with hand or dagger though.  Well I am not putting my hand in, so I try the dagger.  Which of course does not fit.  Are you sure you want to put your hand in?  No not really.  I might come back to this option but its offering me to look around so I take that.

At this point my guy realises the big slab is designed to get my attention and hide the real solution.  Which turns out to be a small tunnel.

Ah of course its a burial mound.

Do I want to stay in the alcove or go at them.  Well I may be drunk on brandy but ill stay in the alcove and hopefully fight them 1 on 1.  This is exactly what happens, gain 1 luck point for being sensible.

Skill 6 and 5 so should be ok here.  Skeleton one hits me a few times as I am rubbish at fighting.  So I have my first meal of the evening.  Hopefully soaking up some of the brandy.  As I am trying to eat though the Skeleton Lord gets up.  Skill 8 and if he hits me he gets +1 attack strength in the next round.

He is only 6 stamina though.  And finally I learn how to fight (food soaking up the brandy, less drunk) and take him down without a hit.  Not only that but I get his sword with its +1 attack strength if I win.  I also found a bronze helmet and put it on for an extra skill point, but I am at initial level.  I pop it on anyway to look the part.

Shame I can not find my way out.  Do you have secret signs?  Nope.  Spot Hidden, Yes I do.  I find a crack and push it to reveal some hidden stairs.  At the bottom there is a guard Ogre sleeping.  Do you have sneak?  Ah Crap.

I kick a pebble and he starts to wake up.  I can hide if I have the hide skill but I do not have that either.  Skill 8 Stamina 10 it is.  The magic sword is ace though and he is dispatched without a worry.  

He was guarding an iron door.  It has a lock and their is a key in a box being protected by a bright coloured scorpion.  I do not have pick pocket so I decide to try and pick the lock.  I have to do a skill test which I pass.

The door swings open and I am greeted by the worst sight in Fighting Fantasy.  A blind T-Junction.  Lets go left.

I find an old store room and get hit by a flying chair for 1 stamina point.  I pass a luck test and realise a poltergeist is attacking me.  It tries to hit me as I go through the room but it misses each time.  However when I get there my spot hidden reveals a problem.  A hidden portcullis.  I decide to turn tail and go the other way.  The pesky poltergeist misses all the way back again.

I come to a hole, but I do have climb!  I keep going down the tunnel and find an unlocked door.  The room beyond has a magic darkness with a slithering sound.  With no sneak skill I have to fight an unseen monster.  Its only Skill 5 but I lose 2 for my attack strength as I am blind.  He hits me once but the magic sword does the business.  I have some more food.

I find a door in the dark, and pick lock gets me through again.  In the next tunnel there is a very bright liquid that I can use to light the room I have just been in.  Well the monster is already dead so I think I will crack on.

After some time I come to another cavern, lit by a torch.  Imagine my surprise when my shadow detaches and tries to attack me.  I can run away from it, put out the torch, try and avoid casting a shadow or disrupt it.  Disrupt sounds the first thing to try.  I do not fancy plunging into darkness again.  And I can not run from my own shadow!  

I use my torch to counter the light cast by the cavern torch and keep the shadow at bay.  Spot Hidden is back, and I see holes in the walls so I crawl under them and avoid the darts firing out Indiana Jones style.  

Next I find a dead thief, he had written something in his blood but I do not have secret signs so can not read it. 

A blue head like missile flies past and I throw myself out of the way.  It sinks into the dead thief's corpse and it starts to animate.  Stay and fight or leg it?

I've got my fancy sword so I fight.  The animated corpse is only Skill 5.  Another snake eyes means it does get one hit in but I am still in good nick.  However it turns out it is a Possessor Spirit.  Do you have a magic weapon?  Yes, yes I have this awesome magic sword.

Wow it is skill 10 stamina 10.  Toughest fight so far.  And I lose a luck point every time I get hit.  I get hit a few times but the magic sword does the work and it is dispatched.  Before doing anything else I eat 2 meals to get over the trauma.  The brandy is now a distant memory.

I search the thief's body and turn up 5 gold, a hook with a wire and a broken potion that I can drink but have to drink it now.  I decide it is too much of a risk.  Following the trail of blood I find a room with a Dwarf locked in a cage!  He says he can help me find the Eye of the Basilisk.  Erm, no I am ok thanks, this is clearly a trap.  What with the dead thief's blood leading here and all.

This is turning into Deathtrap Dungeon!  The next room has lots of holes and when a rat moves rock grubs come flying out and devour it.  And I do not have the sneak skill.  So I get nibbled at for four points of stamina.  I nibble on a sandwich to nullify it.  

Next a random door, I decide to listen and it turns out to be a wood golem, who is also resistant to magic so my swords ability does not work.  Does not matter though as he is dispatched.  The room beyond is full of gems.  Yeah right that is a trap if ever I have seen one.  Stay on point, we are after the eye and this whole dungeon is a test of your abilities.  Including not getting distracted.

More tunnels and I come to a giant cave with no visible exit.  And a giant spider drops on my head.  He is skill 7 but if he wins a round you have to turn to another paragraph.   Which of course happens.  And it costs me 1 skill point after a stamina check.  Oh dear.

I win the next round though and the magic sword plus 1 keeps me ahead until I put it down.  The only option is to head up with my Climb skill.  I find the spiders web and multiple bodies in cocoons which is quite grim.  Do I want to investigate?  Not a chance keep going!

I find a tunnel and its full of a yellow mould.  Luckily I have Spot Hidden and I spot a body covered in the mould.  I find a brass handle but how to open it without disturbing the killing mould.  I decide to hold my breath and make a run for it.  I pass a skill test and roll through all the spores into the next room.

I end up in a maze of tunnels, do I have a map?  Oh god no I do not.  So its a luck test, and luck is down to 6 after the fight with the Possessor.  5 and 1, wow that was close.  When you see the 5 come up first the heart sinks.  

At last!  An illustration!

As soon as I approach the chest one of the crystal warriors lurches into action.  Skill 10, Stamina 13.  Oh wow things are getting serious.  We exchange hits and after my first hit I get sent to another page.  Am I using a stone hammer?  No I have a cool magic sword.  Ah that is a problem.  Only blunt weapons work so for the rest of the combat I have to use the pummel of my sword which costs me two on my attack strength.  Unsurprisingly I get my ass handed to me.  I get it down to stamina 5 but its all over, I am killed trying to kill something with the pommel of my sword.  If the guild were watching this then I am embarrassed.   

Notable Encounters - 

Well turns out I was very near the end and it can be quite a linear book so I saw quite a lot of the encounters in the playthrough.

He is as good as being a guard as he looks.

If you go towards the main entrance for the Guild of Merchants you come across the guard.  You can just go up and kick his ass.  Just do it quickly enough before the rest of the guards appear and arrest you.  Much more fun though is sneaking up behind him as he sleeps and karate chopping him on the back of the head and knocking him out.

Just do not try the front door, its very trapped.

When you do get inside though it has the best trap ever.

A Jib Jib!!!

So a little compartment in the wall opens up and out pops this little guy.  He is very weak but you have to one shot kill him.  Otherwise he makes an insane amount of noise, acting like an alarm.  You can only imagine the guards coming up the stairs as you can not hear anything over the noise it makes.  Awesome!

My favorite area though has to be Brass's house.  This is where you feel like a proper thief, sneaking around a populated house at night.  Love it.

Don't mind me, this is all a dream.

Careful with this guy, the book tries to tease you into taking him out quickly.  But he is only sleepwalking so will ignore you.  Unless of course you stab him with your sword and he will scream and wake up the entire house.  

This is more terrifying than most monsters!

Yeah make too much noise in the kids bedroom leads to her waking up and screaming.  Just look at that 80s haircut!

Artwork - 

Our artist here is John Sibbick.  He whom also did Crypt of the Sorcerer.  I feel it falls foul of coming off the heels of Phantoms which was awesome.  This is fine to be fair.  Its not the best but its also not nearly as bad as others we have seen.

From my playthrough my favorite is Bargo the beggar.  It is really dark and fits the tone perfectly.  Quite a lot of the art though is to set up what you see, such as the safe.  This can lead to things being a little bit boring.  At least compared to the other scenes that they could have had.

I love the ones from Brass's house though, they are excellent.  

When you accidently wake up the whole house. 

Falling is a theme.

Still falling.

Not falling, but getting bitten.

Or stung, who would be a thief?

It is hard not to pick the Jib Jib as my favorite, but I really like the two guards you bump into on patrol as well.  Looking back at these now though I think I like them better than I originally felt.

Apart from this, this is terrible.

Big Bad - 

Looks at this terrifying monster!

So this book really does not have a big bad, so I decided to go with the merchant Brass, whos Jewel you have to steal from his dangerous dungeon.  So a little bit of context, the Eye of the Basilisk turns out to be a fake, it was all just a test.  This leads to the question of what on earth is Brass playing at?  It is not mentioned in the book but in the roleplay book, Blacksand, it is revealed he works with the thieves guild to help them test initiates.  This makes sense, but should be explained as part of this book.  Maybe he could come out at the end with everyone else.

Two queries from me.  1)  He puts his kids in some serious danger.  His sleepwalking son can get stabbed and how does he know your not going to kill him and his family?  2)  Is that an Orc he is bed with? 

Menagerie -  

So a lot of the Port Blacksand enemies are human.  Guards, thugs, footpads etc.  The usual of what you would expect.  The second half of the dungeon lets you have the excuse for more exotic encounters, such as the crystal warriors, giant spider, ogre, wood golem and a shape changer.

I don't suppose you fine gentleman will let me past?

A lot of people sleeping in this place, probably because its past midnight.

The Chest monster is a good trap.

Also the Scitalis is a snake type creature.  But it appears as a pile of treasure to lure you in.  I imagine it is well fed.  

Entertaining Deaths - 

Failing to defeat the Skill 6 guard at the Merchants Guild in 3 rounds.  The City Watch turn up and throw you in jail.

When asked if you have a magic weapon to fight the gargoyle.  The book says that's impossible and you are cheating.

A Gargoyle catches you and takes it up to its nest to make a meal of you.  I have to ask, why do creatures of stone need to eat?

Just leaving after getting to the Basilisk door.  The passage even says you can go back to the door or just end your adventure here.

Getting your foot stuck in a spiders web and trying to escape by setting the web on fire, it burns and you fall to your death.

My favorite though is - Nicodemus turns you into a newt and throws you into the river.

Pete's Corner - 

I murdered a Jib Jib!

Final Thoughts - 

So it turns out the stone axe I needed I could have picked up if I was paying attention when defeating the Skeleton King.  But I was far too distracted by picking up the magic sword at the same time.  Odd to have two weapon pick ups at the same time.

The question is did I enjoy this or was my memory just that, rose tinted nostalgia?  Well, mainly yes.  This is a book of two halves.  The first half in Port Blacksand I would give 10 out of 10.  I loved this part.  There is just something about creeping around the streets of the city at night as a bad guy that I really enjoyed.  It is such a change from the norm.  Being the bad guy, but you do not feel like a bad guy.  As I said earlier, Brass's house is one of my favorite things in Fighting Fantasy.  Yep, the feel, the writing and the story, just superb.

Part two though, I am a bit less of a fan.  I am ok with the creepy house and garden, but when you get into the dungeon it loses a bit of momentum.  It is very linear, which helped my mapping!  But it felt like a bit of a poor knock off deathtrap dungeon.  Also why is a thief being tested by fighting giant spiders and shadows?  I guess maybe they might have to steal from a spooky temple so ill give it a pass.

Mechanically the big difference are the skills.  You can pick up extra skills along the way.  Sometimes by going the wrong way which is a bit odd.  This adds a bit of replay ability.  I would like to go back and see what I missed by not having secret signs.  However pick locks felt like it was essential, while the rest were nice to do things differently.  There was normally a way past it with a skill or luck test so I did not feel I was stuck without a skill.  I really liked the thematically addition of the skills, only thing I would change would be lock picking being a bit less essential.  Although spot hidden did save me multiple times, and I do not recall many pick lock encounters.  Yeah great idea, needs a little bit more balancing.

You should be prompted to use correct weapon.  Not just are you using this weapon?  No I am not using the torch as I have a magic sword, but ill change now.  Just a bit jarring.  

The menagerie and big bad are quite light.  But that is ok, if anything the second half forces it a bit.  The story does not call for anything more.  Combat feels very manageable and fair, which is good as it should.  This is not a book about combat, you are a thief, the whole point is to avoid fights and steal the goods.  

Does this make the book too easy?  Well I had the advantage that I remembered a fair bit of it so it is hard to say.  For me I like that it was not brutally difficult, I enjoyed that.  Common sense gets you a long way.  My only issue is that some items, like the black cloak and the map are items you get for making the wrong decision.  

The art grew on me, I would have liked different scenes though.  And some of the art is only accessible after a decision is made.  My example would be the scorpion puzzle.  I would have liked that to be where it is described.  Instead it appears after you have successfully got the key using pick pocket.  Or the Jib Jib, that should be at the combat, not if you miss it and it starts shouting.  I blame the editing for that though.

Loved the premise Graeme Davis came up with.  I would have loved to have seen more from him but alas it was not to be.  This book is worth playing just for the first half alone.  My score is going to look a bit high but that is because of what it means to me.  I played this so much when I was a kid so it has sentimental value that can not be easily measured.  You will have your own ones as well that have those memories, and for me that is important.  It is why blogs such as this exist.  Yes its the nostalgia factor but nostalgia is why we are here.

Plus that first half is bloody good!

I say it was all just a test, lets go back to the rat and ferret for a drink!

Score - 8 out of 10.




  1. That's fair. You turn from a thief trying to find out stuff into Not-Indiana Jones trying to make it through a trapped dungeon with monster fights that require you to be Conan the Barbarian. That hammer business is really rough, though I vaguely remember some obsidian disc to block some deadly light business in the final room here which you didn't seem to mention. I vaguely remember being annoyed by that for some reason, but it's been a while lol

    1. That's a good point actually. It feels like you have completed thief training after the first part, then move on to 'General Studies in Adventuring' once you reach the dungeon.

    2. Yep, if you get the treasure chest open the disk is the reward. If you can avoid the second crystal warrior. You then use that disk to block out the killer light that's protecting the eye.

    3. After getting past general studies, you go into bind T-Junction management

  2. Great write up as always. But wow, what an elaborate set-up just to test one apprentice! One wonders how many apprentices there are, and what the fatality rate is like on these trials. Perhaps they really don't want new members.

    1. It also makes you wonder about the THIEVES and ROBBERS you meet in "City of Thieves" and "Temple of Terror". Did they go through the same test? If so, why are they so easy to kill? Perhaps they're non-Guild scabs or something.

    2. Thank you Mike! Maybe its all a plan to have lots of dead thieves to loot afterwards! The upkeep alone to feed creatures haha.

      Maybe the test has been set up because they are fed up of the poor standards experienced in City and Temple.

  3. Absolutely correct. Some people might grumble about the final dungeon, or the inability to return to the Noose, or the generally low level of difficulty. Those people are wrong, wrong, wrong. I loved this book as a kid, and love it now. I love the fact that your character is just an ordinary person trying to bumble along the best he can in the nutso world of Titan. I love the freedom it gives you to hoover up other skills as you move through the adventure (it's possible to finish the game with all of them!). Most of all, I love the fact that it actually feels like a stealth game - it's the first book in the series where being where you've no business being actually has high stakes. So, yes - an excellent book, nostalgia be damned.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it as much as I did Ben! I really loved creeping about at night!

    2. But what I love most of all are the multiple and brutal slap-downs you get for a book where you are playing a glorified burglar!


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