Deathtraps and Dungeons

Monday, September 9, 2024

Battleblade Warrior

Background - 

Puffin HQ is in turmoil, it is nothing short of a war zone.  On one side are the security teams dressed in riot gear.  They are armed with batons and are currently taking shelter behind upturned tables in the canteen.

On the other side, a group of disheveled writers and illustrators are armed with various things you would find in an office.  Andrew Chapman is standing on a table holding a flag depicting a dead puffin in a pool of blood.  Steve Jackson 2 is yelling incoherently wielding a ruler like its a sabre.  Jamie Thomson and Mark Smith are lobbing staplers like they are grenades.

The security forces throw some smoke grenades and it becomes near impossible to see anything.  In this lull we go behind the security forces battle line.  Here we find Phillipa, her normal pristine looks are forgotten, her hair is a mess for a start.  She picks up the videophone that the Puffin tech team have created and makes a call (imagine total recall).  Editor Marc Gascoigne picks up the call. 

Phillipa "Marc, it is chaos down here."

Marc "I can hear the noise from here, what is going on."

Phillipa "Its the writers, they are making another bid for freedom."

Marc "They can't be that much of a threat.... can they?"

Phillipa "You have no idea how resourceful they can be!  Russ Nicholson has created a working gun using nothing but his pens!"

Marc " You will get it under control though, right?"

Phillipa "Yes we will, but this has meant a delay in publications.  I need you to put a book together."

Marc "What me?  You know I just write the background books and edit the rest?"

Phillipa "Exactly, you are always complaining about all the editing you have to do!  Who better to write a book than you?"

Marc "Well if you think so, I could use some of the stuff from Titan and..."

Phillipa "Great just get it done, and quick!  They are making another push!  Robin Waterfield has made the photocopier into a tank."

Released in early 1998, Battleblade Warrior is the one and only gamebook entry from Marc Gascoigne.  He has been editing though and is also responsible for the sourcebooks, Out of the Pit and Titan.  Titan had a huge effect on me when I was young.  I would reserve it from the library and if someone else had it we would all go to the library with them when it was due to be returned.  He also writes the next Chadda Darkmane novels.  I never played this one though.  My mate had it though as I remember the striking cover and thinking it looked awesome.  Really excited to play this one finally!

Covers - 

One of my favorite ever covers.  I mean its just awesome.  A lizardman riding a pterodactyl!  Look at that spear! I love the background of the verdant green valley below and the high mountains.

I like to find some comedy in these but this is just wonderful.  Even his gold disk armour which protects his lizard nipples.

Premise - 

A picture in the intro before we even start our adventure!  This is a first!

Vymorna Besieged - The city of Vymorna is under siege by the might of the Lizardman empire.  This has been going on for a whopping six years.  Men and Women defending the walls are exhausted from starvation.  Every pace would cost the Lizard King's armies hundreds of casualties.  But they can afford such losses.  Does this mean we never beat the Lizard King?  Mungo was never avenged!  Oh wait it says later the armies of the Lizard Kings, plural.

Inside the City - My mother is Queen Perriel, who now commands the cities defences as my father, Alexandros the Second was killed by a poisoned javelin while leading a counter attack.  

My mother used to be a beautiful women but my fathers death has made a warrior out of her.  Her eyes are red ringed by lack of sleep, for every night she prays to the gods for help.  But there has been no answer, it is as if the there is a war in the heavens that evil is winning that as well.

I have also had to step up, riding into battle alongside my mother.  But I also help out with wounded.  The great hall of the castle is filled with wounded warriors and starving women and children.  Food is scarce and the rationed.

Troubled Dreams - If it was bad enough that the nights are full of crashing rocks and sulphur bombs, the Lizardmen are also sending spirits and demons.  They scream and shout throughout the night and magic storms of thunder and lighting make sleep a very rare commodity.  

However this night I fall asleep.  After putting out a fire in the south tower I do not bother to go back and just find a corner and pulled my cloak over myself and had a good sleep.  When I wake up, its far too quite.  There is no noise and no fighting.  I say a Allansia swear "By Telak's Golden Sword!"  Does not seem too bad to me.  I would have said by Zagor's hairy sack.  

In a very awkward moments Telak and his giant lion are here, he sees the funny side though.

The Task of Telak - I immediately get on my knees in front of the god of all who bear arms against evil.  He tells me not to be afraid and explains the situation.  The forces of evil have him under siege as well, preventing him coming to Vymorna's aid.  What they need is an earthly victory to divert the attention of the Lizard Kings dark masters which will free up Telak.  

He tells me to go to Durtelakin, Telaks Mount, one of the twin peaks in the Lion heights far to the north east (well it was never going to be close was it).  I am looking for a weapon and to seek a man called Laskar.  Telak then gets distracted and the lion growls before he says he must defend his own gates now.  He says he will send help where he can and then the world turns back to the mess it was before.

The Mission - My mother decides that all the omens are with me.  Nobody is happy about it but they agree it is the best course of action.  I will leave a few hours before dawn to give myself the best chance of getting through the encampment.  I just reply "I was chosen, mother" and leave to prepare.

Playthrough - 

It is as standard as you can get, Skill, Stamina and Luck are all normal.  We get no equipment information and you are limited to only being able to carry 4 provisions at a time.  At this stage I am not told if I have any.  No potions either, it is quite stripped back.  You can only eat when the book tells you as well and only 1 meal at a time!

The adventure sheet is pretty run of the mill, with an items and special items.  I think I will just use the stats in my book though.

Must be some dice they are using!

Skill - 9

Stamina - 21

Luck - 11

Well I am a pretty average swordsman, the lack of sleep must be an issue.  Plenty stamina and luck though so hopefully can help me through this.  Lets see if I can at least get past the siege.

Despite the bombardment at night I actually have a decent rest.  As the moon sets I am in my mothers room and this is where I get kitted out.  I have sturdy clothes but minimal armour so I can move quickly.  A strong cloak to keep me warm at night.  A large rucksack with 4 provisions, my trusty sword and a hunting knife.

Mother then reveals three chests, containing items that belonged to my father.  I can take two to help with the quest.  Really mum?  Only two?  The whole fate of the city rests on this quest and I can not take them all?  I mean the one you keep might help with the siege, in which case why has it taken 6 years to crack them out!?  

Anyway once I stop ranting at her I look at the options.  The choice is a bow with three silver arrows, a bottle containing a pale liquid and a globe filled with a swirling cloud of dust specks.  First off I choose the bow and arrows, my skill is not the best so hoping it can help.  

The bow is made of finely worked bone and has many charms.  If I use an arrow I will be guaranteed almost to destroy the target, but must cross off an arrow each time its used.  Does not say how to use it though so hopefully will get the options in game.

For the other item I choose the globe, since it sounds random, hopefully in true Fighting Fantasy it turns out to be what I need.  

Well turns out to be full of glow worms.  Just need to shake it to get about 5 minutes of light.  Well hopefully I end up in a dark dungeon.

Next we start talking exit strategies.  The learned experts of the city advise talking a group of warriors with me and fighting our way out then head North and then East to my goal.  Alternatively I can do the same but myself and try and sneak through.  Or head to the docks, steal a boat and head up the river before turning east.  

Hmm this is interesting, I think the learned experts are mad.  I would sally forth if we are knights with horses but with my skill 9 that sounds like suicide.  I do like the idea of sneaking, but I am sure if that was possible would we not have tired that in the last 6 years?  Lets try and get a boat.

Straight into a test your luck roll, thinking it will be easy, but I roll an 11 and only just pass.  I get on a boat and just like that I am free of Vymorna.  Wow that was straightforward.  I get 2 luck back as well.  The Vymorn river means dark waters due to the black silt washed down from the Lion Heights.  Next choice is hug the North bank, the South bank or stay in the middle.

I stick to North and it starts to turn into a jungle.  No sign of any Lizardmen yet though.  Suddenly there is an angry shout and I manage to avoid some arrows.  A big ship sails past in the middle of the river and disappears. 

I merrily keep rowing along, past the Lizard river.  Everything seems to be going swimmingly when three vessels appear and head towards me.

The boats are full of swamp goblins who start shooting blow darts at me.  I get the option to use my bow but I feel that would be a waste.  I try to take evasive action instead and it is a skill test.  A roll of 7 is a pass.  I am only hit by 1 dart for 1 stamina as I make my escape.

The river starts to turn into white water rapids, do I want to keep going or head to the bank.  I think we have been on the river long enough.  

On the bank I can head into the jungle to go straight towards my goal, or skirt around it.  Well I think the jungle would be home to the Lizardmen so I decide to skirt around.  

As I make my way I see another city on fire in the distance.  Do I want to keep going or head into the jungle.  I suspect this means I should head into the jungle as the Lizardmen armies are clearly abroad here. 

As I head in the monkeys are agitated, a strange growl sounds ahead of me.  Do you want to retrace your steps.  Hmm neither option is appealing.  I avoided the jungle for a reason so I go back and head north.

There I am starting to tire, my courtly upbringing means I am a bit weak.  Vultures are circling so I decide to investigate what has them interested.  

At last, a picture!  Looks like one of my previous adventures.

I can loot some provisions from the body but I still have the maximum I am allowed.  

As I make my way, I get the option to eat, and also to hunt as I may be low on provisions.  Nope not at all.

I am now a sweaty mess and as the going get tougher I come across a triceratops.  I am told I have no hope of sneaking past but can try anyway, or find another route.  Well yeah, I do not fancy tangling with a dinosaur so I go to look for another way.  

And walk straight into a T-rex.  I pass a skill test to allow me some other options rather than a fight.  I try and lure it back to the triceratops.  I have to pass a luck test which I manage. 

That is one demonic looking Tyrannosaur! 

So the T-Rex is Skill 14 Stamina 19 and has 3 attacks!  The Triceratops is Skill 12 Stamina 18 with 2 attacks.  This makes it certain death.  However the stats are there to replicate their fight for fun, in the meantime I leg it.  I must admit I absolutely crapped myself there.

Its getting late so I need to find a place to crash for the night.  As luck would have it I see the light of a campfire.  Its a gypsy caravan, do I want to approach or wait for a bit and watch.  Well don't want to be a creeper so lets go and say hi.


I am immediately invited into the caravan.  It is full of oddities like bats hanging from hooks and glass jars filled with, well I don't know it just says amazing things.  His name is White-eye, the trader.  In order to stay the night I need to tell him my story.

Well, why not.  I give him the tale so far and despite animal howls from outside he assures me we are safe here.  He says he can give me a hint about Laskar but I need to trade for it.  I have picked up nothing, none of the assortment of odd trinkets.

I have a great sleep and bid farewell to White-eye.  I make my way into the jungle and pick up four provisions, if I need.  I do not.  Eventually I sit down for a meal and have to lose 1 provision.  

As the sun beats down I make my way onward.  I startle a small panther and terrify us both.  For some reason this paragraph (94) has this [**] in it.  I do not know why.  Who edits the editor?  Eventually I reach a swamp, do I want to camp or try and go deeper to find drier ground.  Who camps in a swamp?

I make my way through the swamp and then...


It is at this stage I realise this must be as far as I have ever gone without getting into a fight.  The Swamp Mutant wants a fight though.  Skill 10, Stamina 16.  Oh my, this could be all over already.  Right come on dice, need you to be kind....rolls snake eyes....sigh.

I win the next two and use luck both times to get him down to 8.  The dice are then super kind and I leave the fight with 17 stamina!  I  regret using the luck now.

This nights sleep is not as great and I wake up face down in the mud.  In good news I am back up to 4 provisions with some foraging.  I am told I should be able to see the Lion Heights, do I want to climb up a tree and check?  Ok.

I see the glorious jungle all around, the mountain is less than a days walk away.  There is a yellow mist to the south so that does not sound good.  I get the option to stay up the tree, hmm that sounds like a trap so I head down.

My pleasant walk through the jungle is broken by having to make a skill roll.  It turns out one of the animal calls I hear sounds fake.  A group of panther warriors jump out.  There are five of the natives and each are skill 5 and stamina 6 and attack two at a time.  However if they win two combats in a row I need to go to a page.

They do hit me twice but not together and the massacre is complete.  Luckily I get to eat some provisions.  I then fail a luck test...

Now I can not get away from fights!

The Lizardman and his Pterodactyl both attack at the same time, Skill 6 and 7 but he flies away after 6 combat rounds.  No problem I feel, well I was wrong, he jabs me with his javelin plenty times and I and I am down to 11 stamina before he flies off.

Maybe climb up the mountain and get a break.


Apparently this Tiger is an illusion.  Do you remember the stories of the panther gods from the jungle tribe?  Erm, no, I slaughtered them all.  I have to pass a skill test until I pass.  Every fail costs 1 stamina point.  I pass first time.

I keep climbing and as I pull myself up as an old man is there with a staff.  Turns out it is Laskar.  He says "my, or should I say our master came to me in a vision three nights ago."  Telak has been busy it seems.  He then goes on to tell me that he is willing to help but no questions tonight, have a sleep first.  Oddly we eat rabbit stew, I think this should count as a provision but it does not say.

I wake up during the night to see Laskar praying but can not make out what he is saying so I go back to sleep.

I don't know what is going on with that city?  Did it collapse?

Laskar tells me it is Kharnek, city of warrior kings.  Of course it is now cursed.  He has spent all his life studying its secrets but there are some he has not been able to best.  In the royal palace there are the deathless ones, warriors who no longer sleep.  He says his fighting days are past but I will be fine.  Down in the depths are the arm and eyes of Telak.  He is convinced the arm is a bejewelled sword but he has no idea what form the eyes take.  We will head to the upper levels and I can do what I need to do, he will climb up and meet me at the temple wall.  He points out a stair that leads to it behind the main chapel to Telak.

Laskar has some kit for me that I can take if I do not have.  Sword (got), Lantern with fuel and flint (got a glowing stone already), Rope (need), and max out the provisions. Great can I please eat a provision!  The once beautiful buildings are all collapsed and at odd angles where they have fallen.  The going is tough and we rope ourselves together.  Finally we reach a huge depression.  Laskar tells me it leads to the crypts, the chief temple and the royal palace.  He has never made it past the courtyard.  We hug farewell as he heads off in his direction.  Well done Laskar, you survived being my companion.  

I get the option to go down straight away or wait a bit.  That's a strange choice so I linger.  To me horror I see the Lizardmen arrive and capture Laskar in the distance, now another war band heads in my direction so I go down the hole.

Oh no, in the dark my first choice is a blind left or right T-junction of doom!  Lets head left.  I make my way down some stairs and arrive at a disused temple to the sun god.  Nothing here of note, so the choice is an archway covered by a rotting curtain or a small metal door hanging off its hinges.

I go through the curtain and end up in some catacombs full of rotting skeletons.  Do I want to press on or poke one of them.  This is Fighting Fantasy, why would you poke them?  I move on.

I go through a further three rooms of bodies.  Even my character is shocked that he is not attacked by any of the corpses.  I now have another blind choice of left, right or straight ahead through a tunnel.  Always left.

Stone warriors, another sure sign someone is coming to life!

I feel their eyes watching me but they make no move.  Another fake out!  I come to a room with three large slabs that have been used for some gruesome purpose.  But again I am told nothing to see here which is odd ad another blind choice of left and right.  Same choice as always.

I find my way into a very large chamber.  It is quite the scene.  It is filled with thousands of small niches.  Each niche contains a skull and a jar and a lump of flesh that looks like a brain.  The skulls are elf like but with canine teeth.  Each niche has a bronze plate next to it but the writing has long since been worn away.  Absolutely fascinating, what is going on here.  But I just walk through and its another up the stair left or down the stairs right.  Please let something happen soon.  Something very odd going in this city.

I make my way up the stairs and hear Lizardmen in the last room.  I panic and run up the stairs but the door at the top can not be locked.  The room is full of cells and the door at the far end is locked.  Do I try and force it, or do I look for a key.  I look for a key.

Remarkably after no tests I find a key in the room and open the door.  I continue my flight.

A bleeding room, well glad I have my torch still...

Yep the room is bleeding.  A lot of dark going on here, you would have thought old Laskar would have mentioned some of this.  Four Lizardmen burst in and I must fight two at a time.  Two Skill 8's and two Skill 9's so I think this must be it.  We are all disorientated from the odd angles of the room.  It says we must all fight with -2 for our attack strength.  Wait if everyone is -2 it makes zero difference?

I wish I could shoot them with my bow and arrow that I have never used...instead I take down Lizardman number 1 but 2 and 3 finish me off, even if I pretend that rabbit stew got me 4 stamina back.

Notable Encounters - 

Well it would appear my escape from the siege was by far and away the boring choice.  I thought it was odd that I just turned up, grabbed a boat and escaped.  If you choose to fight it out then you get into a ton of fights.  Having to pick a random page entry from five options really replicates the madness of the battle.  Just try and avoid the Lizardman Champion though.

And you can even be picked up by one of these guys!

However I think the best option is to try and sneak out.  You end up in one of the trenches trying to avoid all sorts of encounters.  The best bit though is when you need to find a hiding place quickly and jump into a nearby tent.

This lovely lady is trying to have a slime bath.

A couple of options lead to the same thing, where you either run away, bluff it then run away.  But you can also attack her.  Yep, you just attacked a lady after you ran into her having a bath.  I guess its ok as she is an evil Lizard....

Another fun part of going either way that I did not, is that it can end in you getting to ride a Lizard mount and a chase ensues.  Just remember to head towards the trees.

Its not a promising start meeting Lecarte, since he kills your mount and some choice language is used.

Lecarte is a rare companion where he will help you with your pursuers and does not die!  He leads you to the town of Carpa.  He is a whopping Skill 11 and his Tiger, Snag, is Skill 12.  They would be much better on this quest than me!  But that's not the best way to deal with your pursuers.  Instead you can lay a trap using some explosive fire powder.  If it works (you could miss the shot of the flaming arrow, which is hilarious going by the time you both take to set up the trap) you feel really bad.  You were taught to fight honorably!  Really?  Its been 6 years and they have been sending ghosts and killing your people!  And you might have just killed an innocent Lizard lady in her bath?!

One of the best encounters in the book is taking part in an Orc funeral in disguise.  In game terms you will probably never be in the situation, and will not see it through.  But if you do...

Turns out Orcs have to bite the deceased!  

If you get past that you need to get lucky by guessing an Orc name to say who you are.  And then if you drink Guursh it is actually poisonous to you.  This explains the [**] earlier as this is when the effects of the Orc alcohol wear off (you have a penalty until then).  I love how the Orcs talk, oooman!  It is a really fascinating insight into Orc culture in Fighting Fantasy.

A really bizarre encounter.

If you come across the Shadow Ghouls there is a very clever oddity.  If you are unlucky you knock out your light, which is actually better for you as the shadow creatures can not exist without light.  If you are lucky you keep the light on as you trip and you have to fight them.

Another companion you meet is Katya, a messenger from another town.  However she is a much more normal Fighting Fantasy companion in that she lasts only to the next encounter.  Her actions lead you both to being staked out for four days in which she dies.  You are actually better off attacking her when you first meet her.  

Artwork - 

Alan Langford is back!  One of the better illustrators in the series, especially in Sword of the Samurai.  He also did Island of the Lizard King so we have consistency in how the Lizardmen are portrayed.  I thought before they looked more dragon like but I have got over that now.

From my playthrough and the illustrations above I think they are solid, nothing amazing but perfectly fine.  I would say the T-Rex fighting the Triceratops would be my favorite from them.

This is my favorite though, the Lizardman ship on the river.

You can end up in I am a celebrity get me out of here.

The pursuing Lizardmen also look very cool!

The Snakemen that stake you out, less cool.

Live war reporting from the siege of  Vymorna.

I have said similar before about Alan Langford's art.  Pretty good, solid but nothing that really blows you away.  And to be fair the descriptions of the city are so wild in places it would be very hard to illustrate.  

Big Bad -

Well in a surprise to me, I have already used the only illustration of the big bad, half way though my playthrough!  You see it turns out that Laskar is the big bad!  I say surprising since it is your very God that tells you to go and seek him out.  He even gives you a hug!  We have seen traitors before but never the big bad!  There are clues though.  If you can trade with White-eye he will out and out tell you Laskar has changed allegiance to another God.  The biggest clue though is when he tells you how much work and studying he has been doing in Kharnek.  When you see how wildly corrupt the city is, you can tell all is not right, so how can you trust him.  The book also gives you a chance to hold back and you see the Lizadmen with him.  You do not get to battle him though.  If you have the sword and the eyes then it is an auto win, if you do not you are killed.  

I liked this, it is very rare you have any interaction with the Big Bad other than the final showdown.  Never mind it to turn out to be the guy helping you. 

Menagerie - 

As you can imagine most of the enemies are Lizardmen of varying types.  They are supported by Orcs, Trolls, and even rat men engineers (Skaven anyone? Nah they are mortal enemies of Lizardmen).  Some dinosaurs as well as you would expect, but they are really, really tough.

Loads of these guys going around.  They have upgraded from running mines on remote islands.

The champions is Skill 12, Stamina 18 and two attacks.  He has loads of arms!  99% of the time the heat of the battle will save you and you get knocked apart. You are not beating him.

Two headed Lizards also show up a lot, like this massive priest!

6 limbed stealing monkeys anyone?  Known here as Krell.

The Warrior King of the City.  He has been corrupted, plus you need his emeralds.

I really like the Ishkarim.  Unique in that they have bone spider lower halves and demon top half.  Very creepy with the noise they make when they appear.

A lot of the combats are multiples.  Normally this is a rare event in a book but it happens a lot.  Four and even five enemies where you have to fight two at a time.  Or even creatures riding monsters, where the rider and monster both get an attack on you.  It makes sense but it can be very tough for low skill characters.   

Entertaining Deaths - 

To be very fair there did not seem to be that many instant death paragraphs in this book.  Making this not quite as funny.

Getting run over by a large Lizardman boat.  As you move to the surface you get knocked out by an oar and drown.

Jumping onto a Lizard riding beast and then trying to use it to show jump over the barricades, it shies up and dumps you off and you are surrounded by a forest of spear wielding Lizardmen.

Being scared by a ghost army in the mist.

Using the wrong gem in the sword.  You get peppered by arrows and then chopped up.

But my favorite is - Falling down an old well.

Pete's Corner -  
You would think after six years they might have given up.

Final Thoughts - 

Well if I was to base this on my playthrough I would have had this as one of the worst.  But it turns out it was just the way it went.

I want to say how much I enjoyed the introduction and background.  The set up of the siege, the history and then the dream with Telak and the last desperate gamble to save the city, is a brilliant setup and one of my favorites.

I do like Marc Gascoigne's writing.  His descriptions are excellent, such as in the collapsed city.  The part with all the fanged elf skulls really had me hooked.  It was unfortunate that I went the way I did to the harbor as the other options of escaping the siege are much better.  But at least that adds a bit or replay ability to the book.  His descriptions of the Orc funeral are also a great highlight, it is such a great encounter if you play it through.

But that is where the problems lie.  The writing for a story is good, however for fun of playing a gamebook, erm, not so much.  I go back to my example of the brilliantly described collapsed city.  Most of the time you do not actually do anything, other than pick a random left and right choice once you have looked through the room.  There is the problem where you can bypass the best parts of the book like escaping the siege and the orc funeral.  There just is not much to do and when you get to make a decision a lot of the time its a blind left or right type choice.  

Mechanics wise, I like the limitations on provisions, its a lot more realistic.  The only other parts are your fathers gifts.  I feel more could have been done with them.  I could only find one part where to use the glowing globe, and that was when a panther is climbing up a tree and is not the best way to deal with that situation.   

I do like Alan Langford's art here.  I think the problem is I have been spoiled elsewhere but this is absolutely fine and the more I look at the more I enjoy it. 

The menagerie is normally a bit of an afterthought but not here.  Because of Gascoigne's work in out of the pit for example, a lot of the monsters get more expanded on.  Ishkarim are especially cool.  Plus we get the age old t-rex v triceratops!  His perception of Orcs in particular made me chuckle.  They are not overly difficult with only a few Skill 10s that you must fight.  You can avoid most of the others.  But the multiple combats does mean you really need a high skill to get through them (if you fall into them), but a Skill 10 character has a good chance of getting through if you go the right way.

Laskar.  I am not sure how I feel about it.  On one hand, well I loved the twist.  I liked having him feature early in the story and be a integral part to the story.  I do miss a big epic battle at the end though.  Instead of  battle if you get the right jewel a magic army appears and destroys everyone before you head off with them to the siege.  It was different though so that should be applauded.

Two potential companions, one works, one is a disaster.  It would not be the same though without someone dying quickly so it just made me giggle.  Lecarte is cool though, even though our character does not agree with blowing Lizards up, even though we do lots of other terrible things.  Nice to get stats for him and Snag as well!

Difficulty wise this would not take many attempt, but I do not mind that.  After the brutal difficulty of some of the recent books, this is a nice change of pace.

Overall I did not particular enjoy playing this one.  As a gamebook there is far too many blind 50/50 choices.  But when I mapped it out I really enjoyed some of the things in this book.  For people who like lore and a story, this is quite good.  But I can see why this was Marc Gascoigne's only gamebook.  It does feel like he is better at his quite excellent sourcebooks.  But in the end I think it is fair to say this one is average, worth a go but try sneaking through the siege for more fun.

Score - 5 out of 10. 


  1. I enjoyed the lizardman theme (I feel we don't get to play as them or fight them enough in media), and I also loved the finish where you slot the Eyes of Telak and go HE MAN! AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE. Forgot about dad's stuff, it's a nice little touch, even if it's not quite as much variety in terms of options like Midnight Rogue's skill picks.

    1. The bow and arrow were always my first pick for More Killing Power.
      It occurs to me that not only does mum not let you take all 3, but she doesn't even tell you what the items do until you have already selected them!

    2. I would have also accepted the Sword of Omens from Thundercats! Yeah I am still angry with your mum!

  2. Although this is indeed Gascoigne's only FF gamebook, he did co-author two Sonic the Hedgehog books with Jonathan Green. Although apparently Jonathan did all the designing and the basic writing while Marc's role was Sonic-ifying it up.

    I wonder what exactly turned Laskar. I'm also not sure if I've ever found any of the stuff White-Eye wants!

    1. It's funny, because normally you are screwed if you don't have the right item to trade in an FF book. But here it makes no difference at all.

    2. Sonic gamebook sounds cool but you would rather be playing actual sonic on the megadrive.

      Good point, Laskars decent into evilness could have been uncovered in the ruins of the city.

      The items are all in the same place. If you refuse the Orc disguise from Lecarte, he instead offers all the items and you can pick one.

  3. I can't give an objective opinion on this book as it was my first FF and generates crazy nostalgia. I do wonder though if the quality of the writing helped get me into the series, whereas the gameplay flaws were not an issue for me at 9 years old.
    I always imagined Laskar as my scout leader for some reason. Kind of looked like him.
    And because this was my first book, I always think of 4 provisions as the standard and roll my eyes when adventurers demand 10.

    1. I know the feeling Mike, that was the same for me with Midnight Rogue. Everyone has one! Yeah gameplay issues were never a concern for me when I was a kid!
      I am glad that I was not in your Scout troop, that sounds terrifying haha.
      Greedy 10 provision adventurers. He did fix the problem of me eating 7 cheese sandwiches back to back!

  4. I haven't played this one for ages but I've got a copy at home so I'll have to get going on it soon. I always remember the bit in the background where you invoke Telak through a mild curse - it's made me cautious about saying Oh My God to this day...Great review as ever! I went to the Fighting Fantasy Fest at the weekend and managed to get my copy of Titan signed by Marc himself! It was a really good event, I took my (FF loving) 10 year old son who was literally jumping up and down with excitement after he'd got City of Thieved signed by Ian Livingstone. Also some really interesting games and gamebooks stalls were there - we got a Steampunk open world gamebook called the Steam Highwayman which we've just started and would highly recommend. It borrows the mechanics of Fabled Lands but a really engaging scenario, I'd recommend giving it a look. Keep up the good work!

    1. That made me chuckle Dave, imagine saying oh my god and he just turns up, but then sends you on a quest to go and find some holy artifact to defeat some baddies. Wait wasn't that the middle ages?
      Fighting Fantasy Fest sounds amazing, I would love to go one day! Just don't tell Marc about this review! Instead focus on how awesome Titan was!
      Glad we have a new generation of players as well, my daughter is 9 and I am thinkin it is time to have a playthrough of Warlock with her.


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